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Top * The Indra Report This Report called INDRA (Version 1.7) creates a psychological mirror of your life, by interpreting the astronomical symbols present at your moment of birth using a large amount of prewritten text. INDRA describes your basic motivations, perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view of your life. Your contradictory urges and drives as well as your chief focuses are described in INDRA. You will understand yourself better by studying this material. Your INDRA report provides guidelines for personal improvement and self discovery. Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the suggestions given here. By raising your aims and expectations you can obtain a deeper self-understanding and thereby resolve your inner conflicts and contradictions. INDRA is not meant as a substitute for astrological consultations, therapy, or the study of astrology; it is an interactive tool to enhance these things. Truly, INDRA provides a foundation for self-understanding. The INDRA Report is divided into Twelve sections or chapters, reflecting the Twelve basic areas of your life. I. The Structure and Intent of Your Life A. Hemisphere and Quadrant Emphasis B. Elements and Modes Balanced C. Ascendant and Midheaven. D. The Conjunctions II. THE SUN - Your ego structure. III. THE MOON - Your personal life. IV. MERCURY - Your mental life. V. VENUS - Your love nature. VI. MARS - Your energy. VII. JUPITER - Your values. VIII. SATURN - Your obligations. IX. URANUS - Your search for freedom. X. NEPTUNE - Your spiritual aspirations and ideals. XI. PLUTO - Your need for fundamental change. XII. Summation A. Your Uniqueness. B. Your Easiest Areas. C. Your Most Persistent Difficulties. D. The Growth Aspects. E. The Declinations. F. Your Karmic Direction Top * The Merlin Report In the Merlin report the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then you exhibit these opposite qualities at different times in your life. For example, a statement that you are highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that you vacillate, and need both sociability and solitude at different times.The astrological factor that the interpretation is based on is also given. The astrological factor is given for the benefit of astrologers and students of astrology. If you are not a student of astrology, then obviously the factor will not be meaningful to you, and you can ignore it.
Top * Cayce Past Life Report IN THIS REPORT, you will see descriptions of your character traits, relationship potentials and challenges, as wellas career potentials, and even more. All or most of these sometimes intimate descriptions will be linked in some way with your past lives and your experiences inthe planetary realms between lifetimes (the interlife).
First, HELP YOURSELF. The enclosed uplifting commentary can only be truly beneficial if you see it as a means of self-help and self-transformation. So to get the maximum practical benefit out of each page of this report, focus on connecting what you read with what is going on in your life now. Next, LOOK FOR PATTERNS. When you see repeated references -- for
instance to similar careers, pursuits or vocations -- you should consider these references seriously. They demonstrate a positive karmic connection which you now have with these same
career-related potentials from past life endeavors. So, because of prior life success, these areas of expression should be easier for you to find rewarding or to succeed in, as compared with in
other areas. Finally, this report is a synthesis of past life and planetary interlife interpretations originally given clairvoyantly by EdgarCayce, for individuals with your same planetary patterns at birth. So in applying this report to your personal life, you should RESPECT INNER GUIDANCE -- through dreams, meditation and past life regression for example -- as primary resources for this kind of information; and most important, RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL! What is Karmic Astrology, how does it "work" and how does it relate to reincarnation? In ancient Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, Rome and in native cultures around the world, it was popularly believed that astrology was actually based on reincarnation, karma and the afterlife. By karma is meant the meeting of oneself in the present through thoughts and deeds from the past. According to the Edgar Cayce readings and the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, all planets, including the Sun and the Moon, have been part of your afterlife experience in your passage between death and a new birth in each lifetime. Astrology, then, cannot be separated from reincarnation (vice versa). It operates not through the signs of the zodiac, but according to a combination of emotional, earthly past life karma and mental, mostly subconscious urges from your unique planetary sojourns between earth lives. How does the Cayce approach to reincarnation and astrology reveal the meaning and purpose of life? The Cayce readings emphasize that the purpose of your between-life interplanetary soul journeys, as well as your earth incarnations, is eventually to become a suitable companion with God in His Kingdom. As the Christ did before us, we all have to make ourselves spiritually fit through experiences in all realms of awareness. This is so that in our companionship with the Most High, we will not cause separateness or disruption in the realm of Beauty, Harmony and Divine Power. Moreover, in gaining a deeper comprehension of your experiences -- physical as well as spiritual -- in the realms of earth, Sun, Moon and other planets, know that all these experiences, challenging or otherwise, are opportunities for you to accomplish this single mission. In whatever dimension or state of consciousness you find yourself, your ultimate awakening and enlightenment is due to one desire of God. His single desire is that you continue to have your own unique thread of gold running through each conscious act or thought, toward your inevitable, eternal companionship with Him. Therefore, use whatever you have in hand -- whether it be astrology, reincarnation, scripture study, chanting, music, meditation, prayer or your dream life -- to enhance your inner awareness of your spiritual relationship with God. Your planetary journeys in the afterlife, then, represent lessons in consciousness and each new earth life is an opportunity to apply -- and ultimately to perfect -- the lessons learned in these heavenly visitations. Again, the purpose of this Cosmic Course is to so develop spiritually and comprehensively that we, like the Christ who did it before us, can once again be fit companions of the Most High. How can prayer and meditation best be used in connection with the Cayce information about my planetary patterns? Also, what kind of results can be expected from using affirmations and prayers on a regular basis? To begin with, the interpretations of your planetary patterns which make up your profile are paraphrased from the original Cayce readings. They are a representation of your collective experience from the past. Each planetary pattern depicts a portion of your overall personal pattern. Taken collectively, then, your planetary patterns show the precise stage of growth and development you have attained prior to this lifetime. Therefore, understanding your patterns and working with their energies play a vital role in releasing past behaviors which have become stumblingblocks in the present. Recently, a way was devised to help you do this. Affirmations and prayers have been written for many of the narratives. They describe a certain energy pattern that the planets in the pattern represent. By using these affirmations and prayers, several important things happen. First, you begin to acknowledge the influence your aspects exert on your life. Second, in the case of harmonious, flowing patterns, repeating the affirmations and saying the prayers gives you a chance to recognize, affirm, appreciate and give thanks for your good qualities. Third, in the case of prayers for the more difficult patterns (including some conjunctions), saying the prayers allows you to talk to God about the karmic planetary influences you have created from the past. It gives you the opportunity to "spiritualize" these influences and to obtain healing for their adverse effects. As you use the affirmations and prayers with a sincere heart and on a regular basis, you will begin to notice subtle changes in your situation. In time, these changes will become dynamic vehicles for growth. What has happened is the Law of Karma has been transformed -- through prayer and meditation -- into the Law of Grace. There is no better way to mitigate "negative" astrological and past life influences and to enhance the benefits of your "positive" traits than through prayers and affirmations. Overall, then, how can I best direct my free will toward greater soul development in this life and prepare for my next lifetime? First, all influences from planetary sojourns are related to your unique past life history. This is in turn is entirely subject to the action of your free will. Cayce repeatedly makes this point. Whether flowing or difficult, harmonious or inharmonious, your planetary patterns -- as seen through Cayce's clairvoyant eyes -- reveal how you can best direct your will toward greater soul growth this lifetime. As you study your reading, especially note any patterns which emerge, such as multiple mention of the same career or relationship potential or likely past life. These themes should take on special significance in your search and present areas you are likely to continue growing in during your next lifetime. Most important, though is the necessity to recall that ALL apparent obstacles in your path are spiritual growth opportunities. They are to be welcomed by your will and blessed from your heart. Whether pointing to past achievements or failures, your planetary patterns show what kind of resources are available or are in need of development, both in this life and the next, through the application of your will. Your birthmap or horoscope containing these planetary patterns is therefore no more of a "cause" for future failure or success than is your high school or college transcript a cause for your failure or success in life. Both your birthmap and educational transcript indicate mental training from learning experiences of different kinds and on a variety of levels. All are subject to change through the application of your free will. Consequently, your freely chosen ideals and activities in this star system can make or mar your soul's purpose. The special need or unique niche to which you have been appointed by God to fill can and will -- eventually -- be met. Of this you can be certain. However, you can return to the Light now or you can take your time and turn away empty-handed (though not forever). Whether you use your obstacles or opportunities to return to the One very soon or much later, the choice is always yours and yours alone. As a soul, therefore, although separated for a time, you are destined to return to your Maker. Your WILL is the factor, together with divine Grace, which you can use, especially with the help of prayer and meditation in a life of service on behalf of others, to carry you back to God, to the First Cause. You can then identify yourself as worthy to be ONE WITH the Whole yet aware of your uniqueness as part of the Whole. All souls share this destiny and purpose. Top * Karmic Past Life Report The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your
current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias
which would defy explanation by conventional methods.
Top * Child Report The Astrological Child Report has been designed as a guide for Parents, with a special commitment: to help with Child's growth and cultural upbringing, trying to emphasize and strengthen his assets, and alerting the parents to mistakes or possible problems that the Child could face in his life. Chapter 1 describes the person the way she/he really is (position of the Sun), and the way his personality is expressed (Ascendant sign). Chapters 2 and 3 describe the influences linked to his mother and father respectively, which DOES NOT mean a description of their personalities, but the way the child sees them, experiences them, and which characteristics he takes from each one. In the astrological chart of a brother or sister, the description of parents could be different, due to the individual view of them. Chapter 4 completes the sequence of the description of Child's temperament, focusing his mind, his attitude toward education and his intellectual capacity. Chapter 5 describes Child's destiny, his vocation, his profession and the probability of success in the material world. In order to get an appropriate view of Child's vocational possibilities, it will be necessary to combine what is in this chapter plus what is in Chapter 1, and also any other relevant information in the report. Chapter 6 analyzes the conditions of Child's health; some tendencies or possibilities to physical diseases are mentioned but that DOES NOT mean that she/he is going to suffer from them, one by one, but it does mean that those are his weak points and so, he is inclined to those possibilities. As a complement, some recommendations for the child to have better nutrition are mentioned. PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN REGARDING ANY PHYSICAL PROBLEMS THAT YOUR CHILD MAY HAVE!!! FOLLOW YOUR PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE AND ANY MEDICATION OR THERAPY THAT HE/SHE RECOMMENDS!!! ASTROLOGY SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ATTENTION!!! Finally, Chapter 7 describes the astrological influence of the outer planets which affect all the children who were born in the same period of years, producing common ideas and behaviors and the subsequent generational characteristics. It is probable that you may find some contradictions in the report; this is because some planets may be beneficial in a certain area of life while other planets may be less helpful or even harmful. This means that the Child may have both positive and negative experiences in the same area. You need to draw on your intuition and common sense to come to your own conclusions. But remember that every child, no matter the sign he/she was born in, needs LOVE in order to grow up in the right way. Top * Adult Report This report is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses. This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general. In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a bit of logic and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you. It is necessary that you know yourself, that you know your potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help everyone else as well, contributing to the evolution of all life. Top * Vocational Guidance Report This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information within yourself so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection. To find the ideal profession, you have to know yourself first. There are activities you are suited for according to your nature, and others you are not. Your ideal occupation should favor the expression of your individuality (Sun) and your personality (Rising Sign), satisfy your emotional needs (Moon) and permit the development of your intellect (Mercury). * Chapter 1 * Your individuality. Your personality. Your emotional needs. Your mentality. * Chapter 2 * Your abilities and your emotions, inhibitions and strengths. Hidden talents or challenges, Karma. * Chapter 3 * Expansion (Jupiter) and retraction (Saturn). To give and to receive. * Chapter 4 * Finances, source of income. Work in relation to your employment. * Chapter 5 * Your creativity and recreational activities. Other skills and hobbies. * Chapter 6 * Your vocation, profession, probability of success and social recognition. * Chapter 7 * Summary. Your unique talents. Top * Revelation Report REVELATION:THE NEW ASTROLOGY "I can't help it. I'm an Aries. Of COURSE I have a temper." "The Moon was in Taurus. It triggered my sweet tooth. I HAD to have dessert." "Mars squared my ascendant, so of COURSE I got angry." We've all made statements like these and, in essence, blamed the planets for our actions and the events in our lives. We look to the stars for guidance, praise them when we do well, and blame them when things don't go the way we'd like. Don't the stars affect our lives? Don't they influence us? The stars do not MAKE us do anything any more than seeing a great pair of shoes in a store window MAKES you run in and buy them, or passing a restaurant when you are hungry MAKES you rush inside and grab a meal. There is a synchronicity to the universe that puts you intuitively in tune with the world around you. Subconsciously, you give and receive messages that guide and direct you to your spoken or unspoken goal, thus creating those events and circumstances that fulfill your desires. You, then, are the Creator of your life. You created being at the restaurant when you were hungry so that you could eat. YOU were the cause, not the restaurant. Similarly, you created being in front of the store window in order to see the shoes. YOU were the Creator, not the shoes. In the winter, the leaves fall from the trees. At the same time, we put on heavier clothing. The falling leaves do not MAKE us put on heavier clothing; the cold weather does. We and the trees are responding to the same cause---the change of seasons. As part of God's plan, we, and all of nature, are responding to the larger order of things. So, too, in astrology, the planets reflect what is occurring in our personal worlds and the lessons we are learning. They are not the lessons themselves, but the reflections thereof. REVELATION: THE NEW ASTROLOGY is the implementation of the knowledge that you are the Creator of your life. As such, you are free to interpret each planet in your chart on its highest and best level, thereby being the highest and best manifestation of God you can be. YOU determine the level of functioning of your chart and the degree of happiness and success in your life. When you function on this level, your life takes on a richness of dimension it has not had before. You take the responsibility for creating your life the way you would like it to be. You see the planets as those gifts and talents you have chosen to express in this lifetime. You fulfill your limitless potential because you see what CAN be, rather than what cannot. The chart then becomes a guide, rather than the source of your happiness or unhappiness. It becomes a reflection of your own spiritual evolution. REVELATION: THE NEW ASTROLOGY is designed to assist you in that evolution. It is about love and appreciation of the God within, the acknowledgment of the Truth of who you are and, as a result, the beautiful expression of that Truth. When you express the Truth of who you are by being your highest and best, you lift those around you and inspire THEM to be THEIR highest and best. They, in turn, inspire others, and so the Light is awakened in one person after another, spreading love, joy and peace across the face of the earth. YOUR GIFTS, TALENTS AND ABILITIES PLANETS IN HOUSES THE SUN The Sun represents your greatest power and creativity in this lifetime. Its house placement indicates that area of life in which you are free to express this power and creativity--that area of life in which your Light shines most brightly. THE ASCENDANT The ascendant is the most personal point in the chart. The sign on the ascendant gives a powerful description of you. By knowing its most positive qualities, you may use your ascendant on its highest and best level. THE CHART RULER The ruler of the sign on the ascendant is the "chart ruler." It is a key planet in the horoscope because the ascendant is the most personal point in the chart. Its sign, house placement and the aspects it makes to other planets explain how you express YOU. (Refer to chapters: Planets in Houses, Planets in Signs and Aspects.) ROVING DELEGATES The signs on the house cusps are the principles to be learned; the cusp on which a sign falls tells us the area of life in which that particular principle will manifest. The planetary ruler, or "roving delegate" of that sign, acts as a messenger, bringing the energy from the house it rules to the house in which it is placed. For example, if Aries is on the 3rd cusp and Mars is in the 10th, the ruler of the 3rd is in the 10th. The energy flows from the 3rd to the 10th, linking the two. The same principle applies if Taurus is on the 3rd and Venus is in the 10th, or Cancer is on the 3rd and the Moon is in the 10th. A FINAL WORD When you believe you are intelligent, you act intelligently. When you believe you are loving, you act lovingly and attract love. When you believe you are limitless, you act limitlessly and attract success. Why not accept the truth--that you were born to be happy, to succeed and to live life abundantly? By putting your attention on the most positive manifestation of your chart you create love, joy and peace in your life. It's your life---live it! Top * Karmic Insight Report Chapter 1: The Moon The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very significant from a karmic perspective, as it indicates the accumulated karmic tendencies, both positive and negative, that you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth. While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the MOON represents what you have already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and natural to you, and what you tend to do over and over again. Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon's placement, as it is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are re-stimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon's position. It is the psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a direction out of outworn or overdone behaviors and habits. Chapter 2: The Sun The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative thrust for this lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or further develop) and express, and your current life focus. This may be in harmony with your instincts and your emotional habits, or along completely different lines. The Sun represents your conscious identity in this lifetime. Chapter 3: Rising Sign The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the sun, the moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties honestly, and work with them patiently. Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects Description of your MAJOR LIFE CHALLENGES, both in terms of energies you are to learn to develop and express in a positive way, and those which are the result of struggles and unresolved karmic issues that you have come into this life with. Chapter 6: Soft Aspects Description of your GIFTS and STRENGTHS which can help you as you work with your major life challenges. These are abilities and qualities of heart, mind and soul which are quite natural to you. You probably take them for granted. Because these represent the lines of least resistance for you, you may rely too much upon them at times; hence, there are some cautions suggested. Still, these are the areas where good flows into your life and/or where you have considerable inner resources. Top * Hidden Messages Report We are all looking for unconditional love. Most of us never got it. When we fall in love we think, "Now, finally, here is someone who will give me the (unconditional) love I've always wanted." So we marry. Then it starts---because we're not programmed for love. Instead, we are programmed to duplicate our parents' relationship. Because of this programming, even if we found someone who loved us unconditionally, we would have to push them away. How can we attract what we are not programmed to receive? We can't---until we take a conscious look at what we are programmed to attract. Only then can we change our lives. This Report is designed to help us do just that. Top * Composite Compatibility Report Traditional Synastry, used on the Compatibility Report describes the chemistry between two people in terms of how they affect each other and what either person feels about the other. The Composite chart of midpoints is a modern method, very different from synastry, used to describe the energy field that two person generate between them. The composite chart is a third entity ( the Relationship ) and exists independently of them. The composite doesn't tell us about whether we are "well matched" with someone, but it tell us about what the Relationship is made of and what it is for. Top * Compatibility Report The Compatibility Report is divided into 3 chapters. Chapter 1 compares your temperaments and personalities. The issues described in Chapter 1 become particularly powerful if you are married or live together. Idiosyncrasies or quirks in another person's personality do not bother us as much if our relationship is a casual one. For example, if one person is neat and tidy and the other is sloppy, this is more likely to become a concern if you are married than if you are only seeing each other occasionally. Pay close attention to the issues described in Chapter 2 because these are the most important themes in your relationship. For example, if themes of romance and sexual attraction are emphasized, then you can count on this relationship being a passionate one. However, if romance and sexuality are hardly mentioned at all, then this relationship will not be a passionate one. Note also that the material in Chapter 2 is presented roughly in order of importance, so that the material presented at the beginning of Chapter 2 is the most powerful. Chapter 3 describes issues in your relationship of less importance than those presented in Chapter 2. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then your roles are likely to alternate. For example, a statement that Yoko is more aggressive than John, and another statement that John is more aggressive than Yoko, means that you alternate roles, with Yoko sometimes being the leader and John being the follower, and sometimes just the opposite. Also, read the statements carefully, as it is likely that a careful reading will reveal different kinds of aggressiveness or areas in which the aggressiveness is likely to express itself. To make the most of this report, combine this astrological analysis with other things that you know about each other. For example, we have assumed that you are opposite-sexed (assuming that both of you are heterosexual, otherwise same-sexed). Physical attractiveness, age, religion, education, family and cultural background will affect your relationship as well. The material in Chapters 2 and 3 of this report describes the magnetism between you, but does not describe your individual natures. For example, suppose that Chapter 2 makes little mention of romance and sexuality, but the Natal Reports for each of you indicate that each of you has extremely strong romantic and sexual desires. In this case, marriage is not likely to be successful! However, if romance and sexuality are not important to either of you, then the lack of passion in your relationship is not likely to be as much of a stumbling block. Top * Transits Forecast Report
There are 3 major general techniques used to forecast the future in western
astrology: transits, progressions, and returns.
MAXIMUM detail for Sun to Pluto . MEDIUM detail for Mars to Pluto . only the most importants for Jupiter to Pluto Top * Lunar Return Report
The Lunar Return is a monthly chart calculated for the time when the Moon
returns to the exact position it was in your natal chart. This happens
every twenty-eight days; there are thirteen Lunar Returns in a year.
These charts mark the principal events of the month for which the return
was produced. Top * Solar Return Report
The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that
the Sun arrives at the exact position of the Sun in your natal
chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at
a different time. This chart is calculated for the time of the
Sun's return this year and marks the principal events for the
year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the
location of your Solar Return; from it can be determined that
some places are more favorable than others. With the aid of more
than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced
in the Solar Return Reports, choosing from different locations
where you would want to spend the day. Top * Compatibility Transits Forecast Report
This astrological interpretation of transits to the Composite Chart
is based on the assumption that
the two people involved have a close ongoing relationship. As long as the
people involved are a couple, transits to the composite chart will be an
influence. The closer the bond, the more the influences will be felt and
perceived. Thus the interpretations will make the most sense if this is the
primary relationship for both people.
MAXIMUM detail for 2 months (Sun to Pluto). MEDIUM detail for 1 year (Mars to Pluto). Top * Progressed Report
Your Personality Profile is revealed by the imprints of the planets
in your NATAL Chart.
Many techniques for following the development of man from birth through life have been devised and studied by Astrologers since about the second or third century BC. The technique used in this Report is called "Secondary Progressions". This system uses the "Day for a Year" process which appears to have been practiced since Ptolemy and Copernicus, and was supported by the German mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). The system is implemented by choosing a specific birthday. We then count a day for each year of your life, and cast a chart for the "progressed birthday". The Progressed chart is the first chart used in Predictive Astrology, for it provides a good preview and overview of what you can expect in the coming year. We feel that the Progressed chart provides the first step toward using Astrology for a better and more fully informed way of living life -- AS IT UNFOLDS. When combined with information obtained from a "FORECAST REPORT", OR "TRANSIT REPORT", which interprets the aspects of the transiting planets (where the planets actually WILL be at any given time), we can get an extremely comprehensive body of predictive information for any "progressed year"--and beyond. Check with your personal Astrologer for information concerning these Reports.Top * Chakra Healing Report
This report is about how you can heal your mind and body by being aware of the latent energies in your aura and making the best, most spiritual use of them. Your aura is a field of energy that permeates and surrounds your physical body. It has seven special energy centers within it called chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy, and they are the places in your aura where divine consciousness can come in and manifest in your physical body, especially if you are receptive to it and use your willpower to allow it to enter.
Top * Flower Essences and Gem
This report is designed for those who are interested in tools which can support their own efforts toward growth and well-being on all levels. Using astrology, flower essences, gemstones and gem elixirs, color, music, aromatherapy, visualization, and other methods, one can transform difficult patterns in one's life and manifest more of one's positive potentials.
Top * Saturn Return's Promise
The Saturn Report analyzes how Saturn functions in the birth chart in 7 year
cycles when transiting Saturn is conjunct, square, or opposition natal Saturn
throughout the lifetime. By combining different charts into the analysis, the
report is able to incorporate many different factors to produce an analysis that
is accurate and meaningful.
Top * Poppe Solar Return
Solar Return by Art Poppe.(Many Happy Returns) Top * Poppe Relocation Information
RELOCATION REPORT by Art Poppe. Top * Colloquial Composite
In contrast to the older method of Synastry, the principle of Composite
is to take two individual horoscopes to create a basis for a new single
interpretation. Calculating a Composite this is done by finding the midpoints
between the same planets in the birth charts of two people, such as the
midpoint between his and her Sun. The ascendants are calculated the same way.
In theory, the two points should always lie opposite each other, because the
calculations are based on a circle, the Zodiac. All the relevant points are
determined by a visual estimation of the shorter distance "between" the
planets. At this point the energies are stronger and therefore have a more
intense expression.
Top * Colloquial Style Report Contents: Top * Personality Profile
We hope you will study the report carefully from beginning to end. Try not to
reject any statement -- not those you dislike, or even those you like. Note any
statement with which you strongly agree or disagree, and mark it for later
study. Then add all statements which seem to contradict each other to the list.
When you study the "contradictive" statements, try to determine if any of them
might apply to you at a different time in your life, or in a different place.
Then consider if the pair could combine and modify each other to produce an
interpretation that does apply to you.
Top * Life Path report
LIFE PATH REPORT by Anne Mogul. The Life Path Report offers a unique blending of the psychological,
spiritual, and material plane potentials found in each individual horoscope.
Top * Alpha Imprint
ALPHA IMPRINT by Riley Goodwin. This report by veteran astrologer Riley Goodwin is well-written and
clear. Riley provides an explanation of the astrological basis to the